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Showing posts from October, 2018
Hello Freids we are here with a new post here we are talked about the some stranded quality control equipments which we are use in our daily spinning life. 1:- Uster Tester :- In this we can check the Uster means U% & CV % of different steps of fibre, lap, sliver, roving,yarn etc. 2:- Uster Premier IQ2 :- Here we can check Relative Count which is known as variation in count. 3 :- Cascad Stretch 600M :- This device can check automatic weight and csp & the tensile strength of yarn. 4:-Quantum 2 :- same as above 3 speed is up to 450 mtr.
Today we are here with a big motivation to all the textile students. All of you heard about the start up,and lot of you want to start up but their are two major problems 1:- Money & Machine 2:- Man & Motivation If you really want to grow then please get our consultancy for how to grow in textile without investment of any rupees. Yes, you can grow textile business from 0 rupees to billions of dollars. But what  you need is only a good Consultancy and your positive reaction like a businessman do. Their are many sectors which are providing us brand products at very low cost we can trade them and earn a lot from them also our knowledge will increases. For Any Further Query Plz What's app me on +91 9166670678 Thanks for reading us.

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Hello, friends this is my first post about the textile on web. I am a textile designer and doing a 10:00Am - 7:00Pm Job 😁.  Here you can see a lot of textile related stories and also you can read some important interview based questions so please give your time to us and learn something new every can follow us on our Facebook page also:- Here we talk about some interesting topics of textile world. Spinning Weaving Designing Marketing Sales Yarn devlopment Fibre science Textile business For any query please what's app me on :- +91 9166670678 Thanks for read this post.